Play In The Sand Day

Play In The Sand Day - Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hobbies & Activities Relaxation

The whisper of wind over your skin as you dig into the fine sand brings back memories for many of us. Maybe it was just as a child playing in a sandbox at the park, or at the beach on a vacation. Either way, or in whatever way you remember your experiences with that lovely little grain that you moved by the billions, this day is all about Playing in the Sand!

History of Play in the Sand Day

Originally it was about making artistic sandcastles, and soft sculptures out of sand and water, but now it encompasses anything you do in the sand. Many major beaches around the world hold contests for the best artistic works. Busts of famous figures, immense sand castles one can walk around and not see over, to intricately molded and shaped designs that take your breath away.

Many beaches have easy access to food, drink and fun near them, but it isn’t truly necessary. Bring some small shovels, a couple of pails, a few more people and enjoy the creativity as it spawns from you. Build a moat around your stuff, and fill it with water. Build sand beds so your comfort is perfected. Set up a small building, put the smallest child in and make them the ruler of the new sand kingdom!

How to celebrate Play in the Sand Day

From sandcastles to burying your friends and family, the means of which you are playing does not matter, only that you enjoy yourself. Build the house of your dreams. Erect a monument to something, or someone, you hold dear. Maybe a sand castle with a moat around it, and sticks for bridges. Dig a hole deep enough to cover with a blanket and turn into your little home away from home in the sun.

Maybe dig with the little ones, showing them how to make a sand castle. Write your names in the sand, and let the water smooth them out, and later wipe away the canvas to start again later. The choices are nearly as infinite as the things one can do in the sand, and just as fun as anything else. Build a moat around your stuff, and fill it with water. Build sand beds so your comfort is perfected. Set up a small building, put the smallest child in and make them the ruler of the new sand kingdom!

Also on Sun Aug 11, 2024...