Poem on Your Pillow Day

Poem on Your Pillow Day - Monday, May 5, 2025

Hobbies & Activities Poetry Reading & Writing

Poetry is one of the oldest arts in the world, and on May 2nd Poem on Your Pillow Day sets out to start or finish your day with just a little dash of the magic of poetry.

Today is a great day to discover or rediscover the charm of the written word – whether that be through haikus, sonnets, songs; poetry could give you a spring in your step, pause for thought, or maybe it could be the best way to let a loved one know how you feel about them.

History of Poem on Your Pillow Day

Poem on Your Pillow Day was created by www.tweetspeakpoetry.com and celebrates the delight and surprise of poetry in a very understated and subtle way – by encouraging observers to leave a small poem onto the pillow of your guest, your friend, children or even partners.

It’s meant to be a surprise for the recipient, a little something to brighten their day or give them something to think about before bedtime.

The website has a whole host of small poems which are perfect for printing out and leaving on someone’s pillow – funny poems, romantic poems, thoughtful poems, there’s plenty to choose from.

Because poetry has been used for centuries as a way of telling stories, entertaining, and articulating true feelings for the recipient, this is a time-honored way of spreading a little joy. And in a modern age where everything is digital, it’s a sweet nod back to a time where leaving little notes around for friends and family was the only way of texting!

How to celebrate Poem on Your Pillow Day

Want to give your children something to treasure? Pop a small, fun poem on their pillow tonight. Want to let your partner know you appreciate them? Why not print out a sweet love poem and leave it on their bed for them to discover and make them smile.

Encourage sweet dreams or make sure your friends start their day on the right foot by leaving them a short, sweet poem that you know they will love – perhaps something by their favorite author, or a verse from a song which means a lot to both of you.

And if you don’t live with the person you want to cheer up with a poem, why not send them a message via text on the morning of Poem on Your Pillow Day? Let them know what day it is, so they can share poems with their friends too!

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