National Lazy Mom’s Day

National Lazy Mom’s Day - Thursday, September 4, 2025

Appreciation Mother Parents

Why We Love National Lazy Mom’s Day

  1. Mom’s Work Hard Enough

    Even on Mother’s Day, Mom’s are running around taking care of the kids and accomplishing the impossible every day. But everybody needs a break sometimes and this day makes sure of it.

  2. We Love Our Moms

    Sometimes we get so used to depending on our moms for everything we forget how hard they work for us. So we always appreciate a friendly reminder to thank our amazing moms for all they do for us.

  3. Moms Are Amazing

    Moms are magic. The amount of things a mom can accomplish in one day is unmatched, they are multi-tasking, time-bending, superhumans and we can never forget that.

History of National Lazy Mom’s Day

National Lazy Mom’s Day is not meant to celebrate Lazy Mom’s but to encourage hard-working moms to take some time for themselves. Yes, we know the old saying, “a mother’s work is never finished,” but it can be paused momentarily. If you’re a mom, you owe it to yourself to have one day of peace and solitude and today is the day you get it! Rather than having to get dressed for a nice meal, prepare for in-laws, or collect noodle art, this day includes nobody but you and yourself. It is your opportunity to relax and do whatever pleases you. It is your chance for uninterrupted leisure. 

To ensure your day of peace goes undisturbed, get away from the house and into a world of maximum relaxation at a spa. Enjoy a pedicure, get a massage, and spend quality you time in a sauna. If you believe in retail therapy, more power to you! Take a trip to the mall and bask in the glory of new purchases. And if you’re not a mom, make sure you take today to cover her daily chores and show her that you care. No cards or gifts are necessary. Just cover her duties for one day and see how much positive impact one day of rest can have on your supermom.

National Lazy Mom’s Day timeline


Super Mom

Kathy Headlee, mother of seven established Mother’s Without Borders to help orphaned children around the world.


Smart Mom

Marie Curie is the first woman (and mother) to receive a Nobel Prize.

700 B.C.

Greek Goddess

Gaia also known as Mother Earth is introduced as the first goddess of Greek Mythology.

2300 B.C.

Hindu Goddess

Shri-Lakshmi, the Hindu mother-goddess who nurtures and nourishes all life is first mentioned.

National Lazy Mom’s Day FAQs

Is today Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is held on the second Sunday of May, Lazy Mom’s Day is a different holiday celebrated on the first Friday of September.


Can I still get my mom a gift?

You can get your mom a gift any day, any time, for any reason, we encourage it, but it’s not necessary.

What should I do for my mom today?

Just make sure she gets to relax today, do the dishes, sweep the floors, and maybe even make dinner if you’re up for it, whatever you can to relieve some stress!

Also on Thu Sep 4, 2025...