You’ll find it at every place that fans of Japanese culture and anime gather. It graces the shelves of every con, and even appears in places as common as Wal-Mart in a variety of flavors and colors. The concept is simple, a delicious slightly sweet biscuit dipped in a coating of flavor that can be easily snacked on. In Japan it is one of the most popular treats that can be found, and even appears in bars served alongside a glass of ice water. We are, of course, talking about Pocky, and Pocky Day is an excuse (like you need one) to introduce your friends to it and eat as much as you want!
History of Pocky Day
1963 saw the creation of a new delicious innovation in snacking, a breadstick coated in chocolate and served in boxes. It was instantly popular, though it had the issue of being messy to eat, the entire stick was coated in chocolate and thus resulted in chocolate coated hands. Surely this wouldn’t do, this candy, known as Pretz, was in for a revolution. Ezaki Glico food corporation went back to the drawing
Should they cover one end of the stick in a removable foil? Certainly this would work, but it would also result in increased costs for a typically low cost snack, and it would be annoying for the customer. Suddenly they’d have a new piece to get rid of, and have to unwrap it while snacking. Then genius struck, they’d just remove chocolate from a portion of the candy, and leave it with a handle. From that one decision a sensation was born, they renamed it to Rocky until 2014, when the name we know and love, Pocky, became the name that would stay.