Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day

Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day - Thursday, September 18, 2025

Do you want to say it with a verse, a cartoon or a joke? Then there’s bound to be a card to suit the occasion! Hug a Greeting Card Writer Day offers a chance to thank the unsung heroes who somehow find the right words to express our feelings.

The first greeting cards are thought to have been sent in Germany back in the 15th century. Today, it’s estimated that around 170 billion cards are sent worldwide each year. The modest people who write all the poems and messages are usually anonymous, but now they have been given a special day to honour their talents.

You could celebrate by signing up for a course in how to create your own greeting cards, or entering a contest on the theme. Alternatively, visit a museum featuring vintage cards, such as the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

Also on Thu Sep 18, 2025...

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