“Work” and “Fun” aren’t two words you typically expect to find together in any situation, but that doesn’t have to be the way it is. Those with bright spirits and a dedication to keeping their lives joyful and full of light can find ways to make anything fun.
Even if it’s just enjoying time with your coworkers throughout the day so that work isn’t a grind. Fun At Work Day is dedicated to celebrating your time at work and those who find ways to make it enjoyable every day.
History of Fun At Work Day
Keeping things fun while you work has been something that people have striven to accomplish for as long as people have been going to work. There are countless ways that people have accomplished throughout the centuries, with some of the most well-known being work songs. Work songs have served multiple purposes.
Some were just used for keeping people working and enjoying themselves while they did. Others, like Sea Shanties, actually have a functional purpose that involves keeping people in time while working together to haul cargo, raise sails, or perform other tasks in rhythm.
Modern methods of having fun at work have changed, but the goal is still the same. Employers want their workers to keep their morale up. High morale helps to boost productivity and make the workday not go by so slow.
The methods used to keep people having a good time have included company retreats, squirt gun battles, or at companies like Microsoft sudden outbreaks of Nerf Gun battles. Even big companies have found that the benefit of keeping your employees morale in good shape is essential to running a clean and efficient business.
How to celebrate Fun At Work Day
Celebrating Fun At Work Day is an opportunity for everyone to turn their work into a place they anticipate being.
Enjoying your work when you’ve been doing the same thing day in and day out for years can be tricky, but playing games with your coworkers can be a good way to keep it fresh. Encourage your employer to have a barbecue, to plan games or team activities, or to form a committee to find ways to help relieve the boredom of work.
Whatever you do during Have Fun At Work Day be sure that you pass it through management so everyone is on board and has fun. After all, Have Fun At Work Day isn’t Get Fired For Having Fun Day.