Bring Your Manners To Work Day

Bring Your Manners To Work Day - Thursday, September 4, 2025

Life & Living

Many of us spend more time at work than at home, so it’s really important to have fulfilling relationships both with colleagues and customers. Bring Your Manners To Work Day was created by The Protocol School of Washington to remind people of the importance of treating people with courtesy and respect in the workplace.

Everyone should practice good manners, whether at work or at home, and common bad manners at work include things like loud ringtones, not cleaning up after yourself and polite conversation.

Although Bring Your Manners To Work Day is just one day of the year, it doesn’t mean you should only be polite at work for one day.

Use the day as a reminder of the importance of good manners every day of the year, and you may well find good manners help to open the doors to new opportunities in the workplace.

Also on Thu Sep 4, 2025...