World Emoji Day

World Emoji Day - Thursday, July 17, 2025

Arts & Entertainment Pop Culture Social Media

Communication in the Internet Age now goes far beyond pressing send on a simple text message. Check your social media feeds or text messages… how many smiley faces, flying hearts, avocados, and unicorns do you see? These iconic little Japanese images, known as emoji, are more popular on the internet today than ever before—so naturally, they have their own special day. Recognized on July 17, World Emoji Day is a holiday that validates our obsession over these ubiquitous graphic icons. While sometimes they may seem silly, according to various psychologists and researchers, they may play a vital role in the way we communicate today. In fact, Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year for 2015 was the “😂” emoji. Light up your friends’ phones with all the emojis you want today — it’s a healthy obsession. 😉

Emoji’s have been used since the beginning of the internet to transmit emotion in the written medium. As internet technology advanced, so did the use of the emoji, with previously pure text bits of ascii art turning into full-fledged animated faces and symbols. We’ve all used them, and we’re excited for the future of them! World Emoji day celebrates the history of these emotional expressions, and encourages you to be exceptionally emotive! After all, it’s always nice to let someone know how you’re feeling when you write, isn’t it? Emoji’s are just one more way!

History of Emoji Day

Emoji day was put together as a celebration of the emoji, a textual expression of emotion that came about in the old days of Japanese mobile phones. From there, these pictographic displays of emotion exploded into worldwide use. The word “Emoji” is derived from the Japanese words e (for picture) and moji (for character), apparently the seeming connection to the words emotion and emoticon are purely incidental! Companies like NTT DoCoMo,

Companies like NTT DoCoMo, au, and Vodafone first created the graphical characters (though Vodafone was Softbank Mobile at the time). Eventually, in 2000, a library of over 1000 smiley graphics were released into the world, and ever since then it has been continuously enhanced. Now emoji’s can be found on every imaginable device, and in an ever growing list of styles themes, and characters. Expressing yourself has never been easier! The date of Emoji Day honors the date shown on the iOS Calendar Emoji, it even has an anthem! (Check it out on YouTube, it’s actually pretty catchy!) It’s funny, isn’t it, how the history goes around in circles? Long ago the world used to communicate in images, before alphabetic languages were developed, and now in the modern age we’re back to using them again! Of course, now they’re a lot more technologically advanced and move on their own, but they’re still an amazing way of sharing how you feel and making people laugh.

The date of Emoji Day honors the date shown on the iOS Calendar Emoji, it even has an anthem! (Check it out on YouTube, it’s actually pretty catchy!) It’s funny, isn’t it, how the history goes around in circles? Long ago the world used to communicate in images, before alphabetic languages were developed, and now in the modern age we’re back to using them again! Of course, now they’re a lot more technologically advanced and move on their own, but they’re still an amazing way of sharing how you feel and making people laugh.

How to celebrate Emoji Day

Celebrating Emoji day is fun and offers limitless opportunities for creativity. With the broad array of emoji’s available today you can tell entire stories in pictograph, without using a single word. Celebrate Emoji Day by using all the animated images you can with your friend or friends, tweet them on twitter, post them on Facebook, text them in your messenger, and just generally fill the world with the wonderful, amazing, silly images that are emoji!

World Emoji Day: The 10 Most Underrated Emojis You Need To Start Using

World Emoji Day Activities

  1. Have an emoji-only conversation

    Challenge your emoji knowledge by having an emoji-filled message stream with your best friend. See how well you can understand each other using only these delightful icons. Who knew you could have a whole conversation without any words?

  2. Create your own emojis

    You can turn your favorite photos into shareable emojis using various apps and online tools. You can finally turn your favorite photo of your dog or cat into an emoji (since we already know you send too many pictures of them anyway)!

  3. Wear your favorite emoji

    Create your own customized emoji-filled t-shirt or purchase one through a vendor online (check out Amazon for some ideas). Your favorite emoji can become your new favorite t-shirt.

Why We Love World Emoji Day

  1. They've become a new universal language

    Language comes in many forms and one of most ancient types of language is visual symbols. Emojis are unique in that they are visual symbols that help enhance our written language. They can replace words or whole phrases and still be understood.

  2. We love getting "emoji"-tional

    Emojis were originally created as a way to symbolize emotions with pictures. Similar to punctuation, they express emotion through irony or humor and even suggest tone of voice or body language in text-based communication. They trigger emotional responses in people, which can cause us to be more empathetic. Basically, as we become better in identifying our emotions, we also become better at sensing others' emotions. Looks like "emoji-tional empathy" is trending.

  3. They help us when words fail us

    Emojis help us better understand something visually when things can get lost in translation through words. In the Internet Age, they help us communicate better and faster. Let's admit it, they're cute and kind of addicting to use but they serve a much greater purpose. They improve our capacity to communicate effectively with others and make our intended meaning be known. When in doubt, emoji it out!

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