Corn On The Cob Day

Corn On The Cob Day - Wednesday, June 11, 2025

Corn Food & Drink

In the height of summer, under a cornflower blue sky filled with cotton-ball clouds, and the smell of grilled meat fills the air. Children are laughing and playing in the creek, and the adults are setting up the picnic tables with red solo cups and paper plates. In the middle of the table sits a large Tupperware bowl covered with a layer of aluminum foil, steam gently escaping from around the edges, rich with the smell of corn on the cob. Corn on the Cob Day celebrates events like these, and the gathering of family around the sweetest healthy treat you’ll ever have!

History of Corn On The Cob Day

The history of Corn On The Cob Day goes back to a time before European Settlers actually came to America. Corn is a new world plant that has become an important staple in dishes all over the world, and the by-products of it have been used in quite literally millions of different products. In the America’s High Fructose Corn Syrup is found in almost every candy, and certainly, in every carbonated beverage you can imagine.

Corn on the Cob comes in more varieties than you might think! Sure there’s the traditional yellow corn, but every type of corn can be prepared into corn on the cob through various methods of preparation, and each brings its own combination of tastes and flavors. You’ll never want for delicious meals and fantastic flavors if you add a little corn on the cob to it. Corn On The Cob Day is your opportunity to try a dozen flavors and gorge yourself on delicious corn on the cob.

How To celebrate Corn On The Cob Day

Celebrating Corn On The Cob Day is simple and fun, cook up some corn on the cob and enjoy it with a delicious heap of butter and salt! But that opens the doorway to a whole variety of options all by itself. Wrap your corn on the cob in aluminum foil and let it roast in the coals of your campfire, or boil it on your stove until it’s positively bursting with deliciousness. Add butter for a base, and then dust it with seasonings of your choice. Simple salt can work, or you can use seasoning salt, pepper, or any of a variety of spices that suit your palette.

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