The first Friday the 13th of the year, which is August 13, 2021, marks National Blame Someone Else Day. Don’t we blame that day for anything that goes wrong anyway? If you must leave the house today, go ahead and plan your best stories of how someone else (or some thing) may be at fault for whatever happens. We’ve all had plenty of practice so it shouldn’t be a wildly daunting task. But, read on if you need a little more inspiration!
History of National Blame Someone Else Day
Blaming others goes way back. In fact, it started with the first couple when Adam blamed Eve for the entire apple-indulging incident. He even took it a step further to blame God, since, after all, God did create Eve. Clearly, this would not have happened if God hadn’t made woman. Adam sure is a tough act to follow but plenty of people have attempted to raise that bar in blaming others throughout the centuries.
Fridays have long been considered an unlucky day and the number 13 has long been considered an unlucky number; however, superstitions that Friday the 13th is an especially unlucky day did not garner attention until the 19th century.
National Blame Someone Else Day began one Friday the 13th in 1982 when Anne Moelle’s alarm clock failed to go off resulting in a full day of bad luck. So, now we have the opportunity to enjoy an entire day of blaming people for any and everything that is, has, or will go wrong.
There are two camps of people when it comes to blaming others, those who like to joke around with the most ludicrous tale as to why something isn’t their fault and those who are totally unable to accept responsibility for things going sideways in their life. Actually, most of us are likely somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. Read on to see where you may fall.