Wimbledon, the oldest and most prestigious tennis championship in the world, begins this year on June 29 and ends on July 12. The London-based event takes place on grass — the only Grand Slam event to do so. Both the Australian Open and the US Open are hardcourt events; Roland Garros (the French Open) occurs on clay. The Wimbledon draw consists of 128 men and and 128 women in the singles events, as well as 64 men’s and women’s doubles teams each. Ashleigh Barty and Novak Djokovic (above) are the top seeds, but get set for plenty of surprises at the All England Club.
Wimbledon quirks: Strict fashion rules require all players to wear white — and players do not compete on the “middle Sunday” of the event (July 5 this year).
Wimbledon first took place in 1877.