World Bratwurst Day

World Bratwurst Day - Saturday, August 16, 2025

While it’s certain that we’ve all had our share of sausages in our day, particularly that low-born sheath of processed meat known as the frankfurter, not everyone has had the pleasure of enjoying a bratwurst. Bratwurst is typically made from pork, but can, in fact, be made from any meat, and World Bratwurst Day celebrates every variety you can conceive of.

Learn about World Bratwurst Day

Bratwurst is a sausage that is heavily spiced, and it tends to be enjoyed either on its own with a side of sauerkraut or in a roll with mustard. The word ‘bratwurst’ comes from two German words. The word sausage is ‘wurst’ and then ‘braten’ means to fry. Pretty self-explanatory, right? Bratwursts have been around since the 14th century, and we will tell you a bit more about this. These sausages are typically made from beef, veal, or pork. These sausages are so popular that there have even been festivals created in their honor, and most people like to wash bratwursts down with a cold beer. 

You may assume that a bratwurst and a sausage are both the same things, but that is not the case. A Bratwurst is a specific kind of fresh link sausage, which is made with veal or pork. However, sausage simply refers to ground meat being prepared in a certain way. Some people also assume that bratwursts and hot dogs are the same. Hot dog casing is a lot thinner than the casings that are utilized for bratwurst and other types of fresh link sausages. 

Very traditional recipes for bratwurst call on the use of both eggs and cream in their preparation. However, it is important to note that different regions in Germany have different recipes. Bratwurst even differs in some regions of the United States as well, for example, in Wisconsin, Sheboygan-style bratwursts are very popular. 

History of World Bratwurst Day

Sausage is quite ancient, going back as far as 228AD according to archaeological evidence, but the noble Bratwurst has only been around since 1313. Every region has a different variety of bratwurst to call its own, with over 40 varieties coming from within the country of Germany. Throughout Germany Bratwurst are perceived as more of a snack food than a main dish, though they can often be found served in the latter capacity at pubs, usually with sauerkraut or potato salad and a dense rye bread or pretzel. New York City may have hot dog vendors, but Germany has Bratwurst carts!

The varieties that come from Franconia date back to the first bratwursts, and are usually heavily laden with marjoram as a seasoning. These bratwursts tend to be large and filled with coarsely ground meat which lends them an overall juicier texture and flavor. While those from the city of Corburg only use salt, pepper, nutmeg, and lemon zest. World Bratwurst Day celebrates all these and the hundreds of other varieties available, and encourages us to explore the culinary world of the Brat and see what our taste buds can find!

How to celebrate World Bratwurst Day

Celebrating World Bratwurst Day is easy! Just head on out to your local supermarket and buy yourself a few bags of Brats and invite your friends over for a delicious dinner party! Looking for something a bit more adventurous? You can always look for the local bratwurst festivals that are held every year or you could get out and organize one! For those who are looking for a culinary experience, you can also create your own Bratwursts with whatever it is you think would go well in them! World Bratwurst Day asks us to share our love of Bratwursts and to try our hand at making our own. What will you create today?

Or, if you are really feeling adventurous, you could try your hand at creating your own bratwurst in order to mark the occasion. If you take a look online, you will see that there are a lot of different homemade bratwurst recipes, and so you are bound to find one that appeals to you. A lot of people have created their own takes on this sausage, with curry bratwurst, in particular, being a very popular choice. Once you have created your own bratwurst, you can then have fun experimenting with different creations and coming up with your own flavor combinations. It is a lot of fun and you are going to have a tasty treat by the end of it. What more could you possibly want?

In fact, this is a great way to get family, friends, and loved ones together. You can have a cook-off whereby you make different types of bratwurst and everyone can try the creations and score them. You could have a prize for the winner. After all, there is nothing wrong with a bit of healthy competition, right? This is a fun way of doing something a bit different with the people you are close to, and we are sure it will put a smile on everyone’s faces and entail a few laughs along the way.  All you need is some great ingredients, as well as some alcohol and you have everything that you need for a great get-together!

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