Irish Whiskey Day was created by international Whiskey and Whisky Writer Stuart McNamara. Although Stuart writes about whisky and whiskey from all over the world, his Irish upbringing means that he has a special love and respect for Irish Whiskey in particular. This led to him becoming the editor of IrishWhiskey.Com, the Irish Whiskey Trail and the Dublin Whiskey Trail.
Stuart became concerned at the way that Irish Whiskey was being marketed outside Ireland by irresponsible marketers as a shots type drink without any recognition of the amazing degree of science, art, history, heritage nature and culture which is the backbone of every single glass of Irish Whiskey or Uisce Beatha in Irish Gaelic. Of particular worry was the lack of respect for Irish Whiskey outside of Ireland on that most Irish of days each year – St Patrick’s Day on 17 March.
And so Stuart created Irish Whiskey Day. The figure 3 has always been of special importance in Ireland. The symbol of Ireland (the Shamrock) has three leaves. There are three colours in the Irish Flag. There are three types of Irish Whiskey – Single Malt, Single Grain and the uniquely Irish Single Pot Still. Irish Whiskey is also unique in that by tradition, It is triple distilled. And so, the 3rd March or 3/3 became the obvious choice of date for our annual Irish Whiskey Day. It also is exactly two weeks to the day before St Patrick’s Day which is always on 17 March.
Today, Irish Pubs and Whiskey Clubs from all over the world host global online and actual Irish Whiskey tastings, lectures, talks, visits and other fun and educational Irish Whiskey events each year on 3rd March. The idea is to educate and inform their patrons and members from all over the world on the wonder and joy of Irish Whiskey, just in time to share their newfound Irish Whiskey knowledge and appreciation with their own friends two weeks later on 17 March St. Patrick’s Day.
Today, any Pub, Restaurant or Irish Whiskey friendly venue can create a free event and map listing for their 3rd March Irish Whiskey Day Event, anywhere in the world.
With a growing online audience each year, Irish Whiskey day is playing it’s own small part in building a sustainable lifelong tribe of new Irish Whiskey drinkers and aficionados.