Coworking Day

Coworking Day - Thursday, June 5, 2025

Coworking has increased competition, creates spaces for meeting demands, and allow operators to grow more in their business. Coworking has essentially taken over the idea of workspace, and it has helped businesses make innovations over the past decade.

Coworking day is an excuse to bring people together to celebrate what coworkers have accomplished in their workspaces and their communities.

History of Coworking Day

Coworking has been a new concept for businesses, only beginning it routes over the past 14 years. The term “coworking” began when software engineer Brad Neuberg claimed that he started the coworking movement when he blogged about it back in August of 2005.

Through this post, he organized his coworkers and developed the Spiral Muse Coworking Group, which helped him and his coworkers work together on various projects.

From there, coworking was born and businesses started implementing his idea into their own workspaces. However, at the time, many people still didn’t know about coworking nor was there a day to celebrate it.

Coworking Day didn’t develop until 2010, when in a Google group about coworking,  Cadu de Castro Alves, a coworking space owner from BeesOffice in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, decided to honor Brad Neuberg’s development by creating a holiday marking this celebration.

The idea was met with enthusiasm, and thus, people in the group started developing the holiday in their own workspaces and started posting videos and forum posts about why they enjoy coworking and what it means to them. Since then, it spread into a global holiday, where people all over the world celebrate coworking as a unique aspect of their work experience.

How to Celebrate Coworking Day

On this day, look for and attend some seminars and presentations in your local area hosted by neighboring businesses. If you work for a company that encourages coworking, speak with your manager or higher up about creating a seminar for your fellow coworkers to attend.

Share this holiday on your favorite social media websites using the hashtag #CoworkingDay to talk about the experiences you have with coworking and why you think coworking can be beneficial for many businesses.

Also on Thu Jun 5, 2025...