National Donut Day

National Donut Day - Thursday, June 5, 2025

Food & Beverage Dessert Food Fun Sweet Food

National Donut Day falls each year on the first Friday of June and we are getting geared up to savor our best-loved fried dough confections. Have you ever resisted eating one? It’s certainly an uphill battle. Fortunately, National Donut Day falls this year on June 5. Be sure to visit your favorite donut shop, choose a variety of chewy deep-fried goodness, and enjoy.

History of National Donut Day

At one point or another in our lives, we’ve found ourselves craving a donut. When we think about it, it’s not really a surprise that this treat hits the spot like no other. They pair exceptionally well with tasty hot beverages, they can be had as a quick snack or to accompany a long conversation. Most of all, there’s a donut out there for all of us; from traditional glaze to daring recipes such as maple-bacon donuts.
The origins of National Donut Day are traced to The Salvation Army’s involvement in World War I. During this time, a group of volunteers was dispatched to the frontlines with the mission of providing comforting meals for the troops. They soon found out that donuts were an effective way to provide food while navigating the difficulties of cooking in very dire circumstances. These brave volunteers would later be known as “donut lassies”. They would even use war helmets as a utensil to fry up seven donuts at a time.
In 1938 “Donut Day” was established as a way to honor the members of the Salvation Army that came to the aid of soldiers during World War I. Nowadays, National Donut Day is widely celebrated on the first Friday of June. Many donut shops are known to give them our for free, giving a good reason to take some time out of the day to enjoy this most cherished treat.

National Donut Day timeline


A donut fanatic appears

The Simpsons are aired for the first time and the world is introduced to Homer, a true donut lover.


Donuts get industrial

Adolph Levitt, a refugee from Russia designs a gadget to help him keep up with the demand for donuts at his shop.


Donuts to the rescue!

The Salvation Army sets up canteens in the frontlines of World War I to provide care for soldiers.


Donuts arrive from the Netherlands

One of the earliest accounts of donuts are attributed to Dutch settlers that brought them over to New York.

National Donut Day FAQs

Can donuts be healthy?

Nowadays many donut recipes are created with an awareness of their nutritional content. Check with your favorite shop if they offer any of these varieties.

Do all shops give away free donuts on National Donut Day?

While this has become a tradition for some larger-scale chains, you should always check if these giveaways are happening.

Can you bake donuts?

Although donuts are technically deep fried, baking is also an alternative. Make sure to follow a recipe for baked donuts as ingredient quantities may be different when using an oven.

5 Delicious Facts About Donuts

  1. Dutch settlers had a different name for them

    They called them “olykoeks”, which translates to, oily cakes.

  2. They didn’t always have a hole

    These first versions were simply made up of a fried dough, omitting their now characteristic shape.

  3. They exist in math

    In geometry, the shape of a donut is known as a Torus.

  4. There’s a lot of them

    It’s estimated that 10 billion donuts are sold in the United States.

  5. Donuts can be luxurious

    A donut filled with champagne and topped with 24 karat gold can be purchased for hefty fee.

National Donut Day Activities

  1. Go on a donut adventure

    Visit a local donut shop but don’t go for your usual, instead allow yourself to experiment with different flavors

  2. Share the love

    Pick out a variety of donuts to share with your teammates, neighbors or clients that visit your business. A sweet treat queue can go a long way.

  3. Fry ‘em up

    Making your own donuts can be an exciting experience to share with friends and family. Tap into your creativity by choosing an array of toppings.

Why We Love National Donut Day

  1. The possibilities are endless

    Specialty donut shops keep opening throughout the world, each one combining local tastes and ingredients to this timeless masterpiece.

  2. They’re kind to your pocket

    Even though donut prices can vary greatly, they are generally still an affordable simple pleasure.

  3. Donuts go with the fashion

    It doesn’t matter what time of the year it is, you can always find a donut that fits the season. A few examples are candy cane topped for Christmas or summery lemon meringue donuts.

Also on Thu Jun 5, 2025...