Jackfruit Day

Jackfruit Day - Friday, July 4, 2025

Food & Drink Fruit

There’s been a strong movement to reduce the amount of meat in our diet, but many of us are loathe to do so without some form of replacement. Forget the concern of flavor, a sufficient amount of protein is really difficult to get from an all vegetable product diet. That’s where the Jackfruit comes in, an amazing food from the tropics that is little known throughout the world. Jackfruit Day has come along to change that by raising awareness of this delicious fruit and the amazing changes it can make to our world.

History Of Jackfruit Day

Jackfruit Day was established by Jackfruitday.com to help raise awareness of this incredible fruit and how it can serve to break our dependence on environmentally damaging meat products. Even better swine-lovers, jackfruit is said to taste an awful lot like pork, so pork chops and bacon may not quite be a thing of the past. But that’s just one wonderful thing about jackfruit!

Jackfruit originated in South Asia and has an abiding love of hot weather and moist climates. Jackfruit is no slouch when it comes to production, it can generate up to 250 fruit per tree when mature. Also, jackfruit has come in many varieties, coming in both hard and soft varieties, describing the texture of its flesh. Want something sweeter? Soft jackfruit is both smaller and sweeter in flavor.

They’re also incredibly easy to reproduce, considering that each individual fruit bears up to 500 seeds. Jackfruit is also a multi-purpose plant! The lumber is valued for many applications thanks to it having termite and fungus resistance as natural properties. Entire palaces have been built from it! It doesn’t stop there either, the roots have medicinal properties and have been used for generations to treat asthma, diarrhea, and fever! It’s truly a magical plant!

How To celebrate Jackfruit Day

Celebrating Jackfruit Day starts by broadening your taste palette, Jackfruitday.com has a variety of recipes for the daring gourmand. From BBQ Jackfruit sandwiches to an amazing “tuna” melt, you’ll find varieties that are perfect replacements for all your favorite meat recipes. These examples will be sure to stir your imagination and provide you with the taste and fuel to want to come up with your very own! Jackfruit Day can become your personal favorite culinary day, and once you’ve mastered your own recipes you can share them with your friends! Get out there and kick the meat habit with Jackfruit!

Also on Fri Jul 4, 2025...