Kazoo Day

Kazoo Day - Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Hobbies & Activities Music

Kazoo Day celebrates the noble history of the buzzing distinctive music that comes only from the fantastic Kazoo! This is a sound that’s well known to students of all ages, and it has a truly unique sound. If you love the sound of this buzzing little pipe of madness, Kazoo Day is your opportunity to celebrate it!

History of Kazoo Day

This distinctively American musical instrument was designed in 1840 and brought to the world as the “Down South Submarine” in 1852 during the Georgia State Fair by Alabama Vest and Thaddeus Von Clegg, the latter a German-American clockmaker. Nearly 60 years later the commercial production of this device started, and it began to enter the world created out of the dully shining silver of Tin.

Rather than having any particular keys or tuning devices, the music of the Kazoo is created by humming into the instrument, and actually heralds back to earlier instruments based on this kind of vibration. Believe it or not there is a strong history of instruments that function by altering the voice of the musician.

How to celebrate Kazoo Day

Let’s just start off by getting yourself a Down South Submarine of your very own! These devices are available inexpensively in materials ranging from plastic to tin, and all of them bring about an amazing new musical talent to your life. All you have to do is put it to your lips and hum your favorite song, and you’re in business!

Get together with friends and introduce them to the magnificence that is the Kazoo, you wouldn’t believe just how much fun can be had with a newly formed band of kazoo players, especially when surrounded by an unwilling audience! Introduce them, willingly or otherwise, to the grand and fantastic phenomena that is the Down South Submarine. That’s what Kazoo Day is for!

Once you’re done buzzing your happy little heart out, take some time to go online and study the history of this amazing musical development. You can even plan to go to one of the hundreds of events held around the nation that celebrate the dignity and history of this fantastic little buzzbox. Kazoo Day is your opportunity to add just a little joy to the world, and make a buzz among friends and family about the greatest instrument ever made. Be sure to send boxes of these things to all your friends with young children! Their parents will thank you for it!

Also on Tue Jan 28, 2025...