Better Breakfast Month

Better Breakfast Month - September 2025

Food & Beverage Cooking Healthy Food Lifestyle

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Wake up America — let’s make the most of our mornings! Eating a healthy breakfast has never been more important. We’re a nation on the go. Nine-to-five has become seven-to-six — or worse. Hours like that require serious nutritional planning. Skipping breakfast might have worked back in your parents’ day, but rushing out the door with a quick gulp of orange juice just doesn’t cut it in 2019. That’s why National Today and Three Bridges Egg Bites are thrilled to bring you Better Breakfast Month throughout September.

Honestly, we would all love to whip up cheesy eggs, crispy bacon, and sausage at 6:30am, but in the real world, there’s simply no time. Three Bridges Egg Bites want to help reinvent breakfast. They’re gluten free, keto-friendly, and contain fewer carbs and sugars than other breakfast foods. Varieties include Uncured Bacon & Cheese Egg Bites and Country-Style Sausage Egg Bites. You can also go vegetarian with Bell Pepper & Cheese Egg Bites as well as a new favorite — Mushroom & Asiago Egg Bites. Did we mention you can get Three Bridges Egg Bites on the table in just 90 seconds?

*Check here on Wednesday, September 25 for your free Three Bridges Egg Bites offer.*


“Making clean food choices has never been more top-of-mind for consumers,” says Valley Fine Foods CEO Todd Nettleton. “But for many, the hectic pace of American lifestyles leaves little time for preparing a healthy breakfast full of protein and low in sugar. 

“Our Three Bridges Egg Bites offer the healthy start to the day Americans are looking for while easily fitting into their busy schedules, making them perfect for on-the-go kids, parents, and professionals.”

Better Breakfast Month timeline


I'll take a bowl of that

James Caleb Jackson invented Granula, the first cold cereal.


Most important meal of the day

An issue of "Good Health" magazine first made the bold statement that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day."


Just what the doctor ordered

American doctors began telling patients that eating bacon and eggs for breakfast was an important part of a healthy breakfast


Stunning research

A study indicated that men who skipped breakfast were over 25% more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease.

4 Healthy Breakfast Secrets

  1. Healthy breakfast, healthy kids

    Research shows that kids who eat breakfast generally have healthier weights and perform better on memory tests than those who don't.

  2. Germany wins

    The largest breakfast ever recorded took place in Germany in 2005. Nearly 28,000 people took part.

  3. Patience, please

    The first breakfast cereal needed to be soaked overnight before it could be enjoyed .

  4. Don't forget

    Americans tend to skip breakfast more often than other meals. Better Breakfast Month reminds us to make time for what just might be the most important meal of the day.

How to Observe Better Breakfast Month

  1. Take a food nutrition course

    Whether you prefer online learning or attending classes in person, there's a strong chance you'll be able to find an interesting course that will teach you how to prepare healthy and delicious breakfast dishes. What a perfect way to kick off Better Breakfast Month!

  2. Treat yourself to breakfast out

    Many restaurants offer light, nutritious breakfast options. So, while passing on the chocolate chip pancakes and cream cheese stuffed French toast may require a little willpower, we're confident you'll still be able to find an option that will satisfy nearly any craving — and will get your day off to a great start.

  3. Create a meal plan

    Eating a nutritious breakfast doesn't just happen on accident. For at least one week during Better Breakfast Month, make it a point to plan them out in advance. Knowing what nutritious foods you will be eating throughout the week will help to eliminate any secret sugar-packed breakfast splurges.

Why Better Breakfast Month is Important

  1. Eating a healthy breakfast helps control your weight

    September's the perfect time to adopt healthy eating habits in order to avoid adding pounds during the upcoming winter months. Many studies have linked eating a nutritious breakfast to having an easier time maintaing a healthy weight. Eating delicious food to stay slim? Count us in!

  2. It helps you fit in all of your daily nutrients

    Dietary guidelines can be intimidating, especially when you're just relying on lunch and dinner to supply the bulk of your nutritional benefits. Eating a healthy breakfast can help you squeeze in some of those necessary vitamins and minerals which are needed to keep your body functioning at its highest possible level.

  3. Breakfast is delicious

    Not only does a well-rounded breakfast supply a ton of physical benefits, but it also tastes good.

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