Stop groaning! Car Insurance Day is a real day of celebration I assure you! For many thinking about or talking about their car insurance is rather like punishment rather than a party! I am here to prove to you that If you take a little time out once a year to look at your policy you can happily forget about it the rest of the year. You would like that, wouldn’t you? Let’s take a moment to jump into the joy of insurance…stop laughing, come on!
History of Car Insurance Day
Head over to where you have your policy tucked safely away, or pull it up on your digital device. Check the dates on it to make sure that you are still covered. How to tell? Look at the term dates on the front page. Still covered? Great! Car insurance has been around almost as long as cars themselves. You would think that if there was a day set aside for it that you would have heard more about it. Think about it, does that sound like the insurance industry to you? Of course, you had to stumble upon the information, find an obscure reference to it! Does the insurance industry ever call you up to update you on anything?
Car Insurance Day has been set aside for you to pull your documents out and review them. Make sure they are up to date and full of all the coverage that you need. You can take some time today to shop around and get new quotes. Your circumstances may have changed through the year so what you are paying now may not be the best price you can get.
How to celebrate Car Insurance Day
I know that this isn’t your average celebration, but you can make it more fun than you think. You’re laughing again! Stop it! I’m serious you can use it productively and still have fun. Got your documents in hand? Head out to your favorite coffee shop and treat yourself to that special drink you don’t normally let yourself have. It’s a holiday after all!
While you are there sipping your drink and maybe even nibbling a snack, use this time to surf the internet and get a few quotes. You may be surprised what you find! Here’s something not many would think of today. Are you or do you know an insurance agent? It would be nice to send a thank you. Has your agent saved you money or helped you through a claim? Why not send them something special to celebrate Car Insurance Day! I will give you a hint. You don’t need to think about expensive flowers or all of that. Insurance agents are people too! A box of chocolates or a delivered lunch will go a long way to making a thankless job a little brighter!
There are many good things you can learn by being open to establishing a relationship with your car insurance agent. Use this holiday as an excuse to make the first step and wish your agent Happy Car Insurance Day!