National Best Friends Day

National Best Friends Day - Sunday, June 8, 2025

Relationship Friendship Love

Whether they’re near or far, old or new, best friends help to carry us through our lives. This June 8, National Best Friends Day, it’s time to tell them how much we appreciate their company. As the Mayo Clinic reports: “Friends help you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss, or the death of a loved one. They also encourage you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as excessive drinking or lack of exercise.” Today’s the day to enjoy a little one-on-one time with the people who never fail to catch us when we fall.

History of National Best Friends Day

We have our own country to thank for this lighthearted holiday. In 1935, the U.S. Congress gathered to devote a day each year in tribute to close friends. They chose June 8, which is usually a balmy day in all regions of the country—perfect for outdoor activities. Since then, many other countries have adopted the practice. Some even throw festivals to celebrate their chosen family.

This holiday has given rise to a handful of other friendship-themed days for celebration, including Friendship Day, Women’s Friendship Day, and even an entire week called Old Friends, New Friends Week. Ironically, almost all celebrations of friendship occur in the summer.

While the holiday seems to have lost popularity through the years, it has seen a recent upsurge in engagement since the advent of social media. Now, on June 8 every year, people rush to post fun photographs of themselves with their most trusted friends. The recognizable hashtag #nationalbestfriendsday allows users to witness just how many Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter users are celebrating along with them.

National Best Friends Day timeline


Gone Viral

America’s most popular coffee shop chain, Starbucks, runs a promotional social media campaign encouraging its employees to celebrate their “work best friends.”


Raising Awareness partners with to host a celebration of National Best Friends Day in Times Square. They also make an appearance on the “Today Show” encouraging viewers to join in on the fun.


Back Again

Mary Wisniewski revitalizes the holiday by writing about it in a column of the “Chicago Sun-Times”



National Best Friends Day is established during a U.S. Congressional hearing

National Best Friends Day FAQs

Is National Best Friends Day a real holiday?

Yes! While National Best Friends Day doesn’t have quite as much traction as Thanksgiving, this day was handpicked and documented by the U.S. Congress long ago. It’s as real as our best friends are!

Can your best friend also be your romantic interest?

Of course! In fact, many Americans consider their spouses or partners to also be their best friends. As long as they love you, support you, and make you laugh, there are no rules to who a best friend can be.

Should I be talking to my best friend daily?

It’s up to you how you choose to communicate with your companions. Some people are able to go months without talking and pick up right where they left off, while others need more consistent life updates to feel close. If you’re not sure, you should ask your best friend what they expect!

5 Facts About America’s Best Friends

  1. Some have paws

    That’s right, 19% of surveyed American citizens claim that their most loyal pals are their dogs, while 9% admit that their cats mean the most. It’s time to pull out the kibble and catnip! These furry friends deserve a little extra love this holiday.

  2. We meet them young

    The majority of best friend relationships are formed in childhood. When asked, 70% of our respondents said they found their lifelong mates in elementary, middle, or high school.

  3. They keep us healthy

    Studies show that having a trusted friend in our lives can reduce stress and improve our immune systems. Sharing our burdens with a stable companion seems to improve quality of life significantly.

  4. It’s normal to have more than one

    As we move through life stages, it’s perfectly common to pick up more than one intimate bond. From childhood friends to college party partners, many Americans consider their best friend circle to extend past one person.

  5. They stand the test of time

    Many best friend relationships outlive marriages, cross-country moves, and even our parents. The magic of platonic love can withstand even the worst struggles.

National Best Friends Day Activities

  1. Reach out to your best friend

    Carve out 30 minutes to catch up with your best friend. Schedule a time to meet up, FaceTime, or talk on the phone, and update that person on all the happenings of your life. Trust us—they want to hear all about it!

  2. Plan a gift for your best friend

    Purchase and send a gift to your favorite confidant. After all those long phone calls, wild nights out, and crazy exes, your person deserves a treat! We recommend a gift certificate to a spa.

  3. Remember the good times

    Reminisce on good memories. Look through your old photos, read that tattered journal, and show your findings to your best friend. Remembering what you’ve been through together will inevitably remind you just how grateful you are for your relationship.

Why We Love National Best Friends Day

  1. They’re the family we choose

    Inevitably, our relatives’ expectations and judgements will wear us thin. Luckily, best friends are always there to lighten the mood. Since we get to choose who our best friends are, they’re usually compatible with our personalities and interests. They understand us, respect us and, best of all, they know when to give us space.

  2. They understand us

    Naturally, many of our best friends have something important in common with us. Whether they’re navigating the same life stages, working in the same career field, or avidly interested in the same hobby, best friends simply understand us better than anyone else.

  3. They’re fun!

    When it’s time to let loose, best friends are always up for an adventure. They’re the ones we travel with, dance with, and relax with. Like human spa days, our best friends always know how to bring us zen.

Also on Sun Jun 8, 2025...