World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day - Sunday, June 8, 2025

Cause Environment Global Focus International

The Ocean Project has coordinated the June 8 World Oceans Day for the past 17 years. It’s a crucial environmental issue. We get both foods and medicines from the deep blue, and it helps to keep the climate in check. Oh, and there’s this thing about water being the “lungs of the earth” — as it turns out, the majority of oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean. We always felt that the waves breathed some life into us. (Alright, once or twice it was the lifeguard, but that doesn’t diminish the worth of one our most valuable resources.) However, if we don’t take the steps to conserve it, we’ll lose a lot more than a spot for a weekend getaway. So dive in and do your part to keep big blue going strong.

66% of the world is covered in a blanket of rich, vibrant blue, from its depths once came all life on the Earth, and it continues to house an immense amount of life. This blanket is the world’s oceans, and they serve as one of the most popular vacation spots in the world and play a vital role in the economy of countries worldwide. Across the briny deep massive amounts of cargo cross each year, and it still serves as the primary thoroughfare for trade. World Oceans Day celebrates the ocean and the important role it plays in our lives.

It’s a time for supporters of the oceans to focus on conversation and sustainability so that they can remain clean and usable. The animals deserve a happy and safe place to roam and live without having to worry about any destruction or man-made obstacles. It’s important to safeguard the oceans to help ensure a healthy home for all. One this day, people can come together to create a space for all to enjoy and appreciate, no matter where each person lives.

History of World Oceans Day

In 2008, the UN gathered and uniformly created World Oceans Day. It was first proposed in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro during the Earth Summit. The ocean has been an incredibly important part of human history, and this special was established with the intent of celebrating our connection to the sea and raising awareness about the various dangers it faces. There are nearly 200,000 identified species that live in the ocean, but the number of actual species that reside there is likely in the millions. It’s essential to ensure that they don’t have to worry about freely getting around and enjoying a healthy and safe home to reside.

Even with that being the case, there are still problems with overfishing, and the subsidies that are given for fishing in countries all around the world are causing depletion of the game species. These activities have led to efforts to restore the fishing industry being undermined, and the industry bringing in $50 billion a year less. It’s just one of the many factors that should have us all celebrating World Oceans Day and raising awareness about all the issues our big blue’s face.

There’s a global environmental catastrophe due to decades of overuse and a surge in single-use plastics. Plastic straws and bags are getting into the oceans and causing havoc. World Oceans Day is an opportunity to acknowledge and recognize the efforts that have been and are being made against plastic pollution. It’s enlightening and disheartening to know that today, 13,000,000 tons of plastic leaks into the ocean every year, which among other damage, kill 100,000 marine animals annually.

Why celebrate World Oceans Day?

It’s a good reminder to bring attention to the fact that oceans play a major role in everyday life all around the globe. The oceans provide a majority of the oxygen we breathe, so many consider them to be the lungs of our planet. The goal is to develop a worldwide movement of citizens to care better for the oceans. It’s an opportunity to inform and educate humans and the public of what our actions are doing to the ocean and what impact they have in the long run. It’s not only a day to celebrate the beauty, wealth, and promise of the ocean, but a chance to realize that they’re a critical part of the biosphere. They’re a significant source of food and medicines and simply can’t be ignored or mistreated any longer.

How to celebrate World Oceans Day

Start it off by a visit to the nearest ocean to restore a personal connection to the sea. Breathe deep and appreciate the beauty and serenity the ocean offers each day of the week. Invite family along, and while there, bring information about the ocean and what people really need to know about it to make visiting it a joy for years to come.

Pick a day to go to the ocean to clean up and help restore it instead of simply sitting by it. Gather friends and family and pitch in and pick up trash that surrounds the local beaches and oceans in the area. It’ll not only look nicer, but the wildlife in the area will benefit from these actions as well. Avoid single-use plastics, and instead pack a picnic lunch with reusable containers to enjoy after the hard work is complete. One may also consider organizing a fundraiser to aid preservation and restoration efforts at the local beach. With all the plastic waste coming off our beaches thanks to careless beach-goers, our ocean is awash with litter.

Use this as a time to increase one’s knowledge and explore the topic further. There are a variety of books and resources out there to help a person achieve this goal. Another idea is to gather a group of people and watch an ocean film on the topic to bring awareness to the concept of helping out the oceans.

There are plenty of activities and events that occur on World Oceans Day. Celebrate by choosing one or two to participate in and enjoy. Engage in the day’s events by piggybacking off of other ideas that people in the area have come up with instead of having to think of activities alone.

How to Observe World Oceans Day

  1. Make a pledge

    Not sure what to do for World Oceans Day? The Ocean Project's website will give you a bunch of ideas for celebrations. But if you'd rather someone else take the reigns, it will point you to some festivities in your vicinity. Also, you'll have the chance to pledge to the planet.

  2. Clean up the beach

    One of the best ways to celebrate our beautiful ocean is, of course, to go visit. However, keep sustainability top of mind. Getting your barbecue on? Go to the store to get supplies with a reusable tote bag instead of a plastic one. Throwing a party? Bring your own plates instead of throwing away plastic ones. After putting so much thought into conservation, it'd be a shame to throw it all away — by throwing it all away the beach. So clean up after your party and hopefully others will follow your example.

  3. Take the “We are blue, tell two” challenge

    This might come as a shocker, but the color to wear on World Oceans Day is blue. Finding the right attire shouldn't be hard. However, you'll have to learn two facts about the ocean to tell others. It could be something you've learned here, or some knowledge from your fellow “We are blue, tell two” challengers. Probably not the best idea to tell the same facts to the person who taught you, but repetition does drive the point home. Whatever you choose to, have fun and stay blue!

Why World Oceans Day is Important

  1. Perspective

    For many people, the beach spells fun in the sun. While taking a dip feels great, we sometimes don't think about what that water really means to us. It's essential to the biosphere and we want to make sure that future generations get to enjoy it. Chances are, the creatures that live there will also appreciate it (there are over 1 million of them!). And when you look out into the distance and see ships going to who knows where, it's a strong reminder that we're all connected.

  2. Motivation

    So much of our waste isn't biodegradable, and the ocean is left cleaning up our mess. Dumping recyclables into the proper bin is a good first step, but we have to carry that habit back home. Even if you don't live near the coast, let your friends and family know how recycling puts a big smile on the ocean's face.

  3. Majesty

    We never need an excuse to go to the beach, but we'll gladly take one. At times, we just have to pinch ourselves at how gorgeous the place can be; a sunset reflected on the water is like something out of a painting. Most importantly, the ocean gives us the perfect opportunity to empty our heads and relax. Some moments speak for themselves so we don't have to. It's not like the squawking seagulls would let us get a word in anyway.

Also on Sun Jun 8, 2025...